2001年在欧洲多个城市如莱比锡、慕尼黑和苏黎世都纷纷举行过尼奥·劳赫(Neo Rauch)的回顾展。自此以后,大家对劳赫的兴趣有增无减,他的一幅大型作品动辄就过二百万人民币.世界各地的艺术收藏家也对劳赫的画趋之若骛,不单把还未面世的作品抢购一空,甚至订购还没有开始创作的作品,就像买“楼花”或预售屋一样。
The New Leipzig School
Ever since the first major retrospective exhibition of Neo Rauch in 2001, interest has grown enormously. A large-format tableau could be sold over two million RMB. A list of collectors throughout the world is waiting tbr paintings he hasn't even started. The 47 years old star painter speaks with a low, calm voice. Compared to many of his eccentric colleagues, he looks more like a civil servant rather than an artist. He calls himself ironically a "natural conservative" and a "careful person".
Art China