目的观察降钙素对膝前交叉韧带切断大鼠(骨关节炎动物模型)股骨远段骨组织结构的影响。方法12周龄SD雌性大鼠40只,分成基础对照组(A组),手术对照组(B组),前交叉韧带切断组(C组),前交叉韧带切断加降钙素治疗组(D组),各10只动物。D组皮下注射密钙息(鲑鱼降钙素)16 IU/kg,隔日1次。A组在实验开始时处死,其余三组在造模6周后处死。取大鼠右侧股骨经硬组织包埋、切片,进行骨组织形态计量学分析。结果D组与C组比较,骨小梁相对体积(BV/TV)有显著性增高。结论降钙素可提高骨性关节炎形成过程中股骨远端的骨量。
Objective To investigate the effects of salmon calcitonin on distal femur bone structure in anterior cruciate ligament transected (OA animal model) rats. Methods Forty 12-week-old female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups with ten animals in each, basal line group ( A), sham-operation group ( B), anterior cruciate ligament transected group (C), and OA treated with calcitonin group (D). The animals in Group D were treated with calcitonin by subcutaneous injections ( 16 IU/kg) on alternate days for six weeks. The rats in Group A were killed at the beginning of the experiment, and the others were sacrificed six weeks later after surgery. Right femora were removed for the measurement of bone histomorphometry. Results The percent of bone trabecula volume(BV/TV) of Group D was significantly higher than that of Group C. Conclusion Calcitonin can increase bone mass in the distal part of femora with osteoarthritis.
Shandong Medical Journal