
自治的基于信息汇聚协议的网格体系结构 被引量:1

Autonomic grid architecture based on information pool protocol
摘要 提出一种基于信息汇聚协议的网格架构(IPBGA)。将资源与任务间的需求提升为信息服务,使资源分配和任务调度转换成基于信息汇聚协议的信息匹配操作;将虚拟组织分解为信息服务层和协同工作层,有助于构建信息全局视图。实验和理论分析证明其核心的信息汇聚协议具有较高搜索和信息处理效率,较好的容错性且带宽和处理器消耗较少。 An information pool based grid architecture (IPBGA) was presented. Requests from resources for tasks and appeals from tasks for resources were upgraded as information services by using information pool protocol (IPP). Thus, grid resource management and task scheduling were regarded as information matching by IPP which was adaptive to heterogeneous, dynamic and distributed characteristic of grid system. Dividing virtual organization into information services layer and cooperation layer, it is helpful to build general view of information. Experiments and theory analysis show that information pool protocol of IPBGA is more efficient in searching and dealing with information while bandwidth cost and process cost are less.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期29-36,共8页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60573127 60773012)~~
关键词 网格 结构化覆盖网 面向服务体系结构 信息汇聚协议 grid structured overlay network service-oriented architecture information pool protocol
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