
破损舰船剩余承载能力分析 被引量:5

Residual bearing capacity of damaged warship
摘要 为对破损舰船剩余承载能力进行评估,采用Smith方法,给出了一种基于材料机械特性、板厚尺寸、破口尺寸等多种不确定性因素的破损舰船剩余承载能力的计算方法.对Reckling 23的仿真结果证明了该方法的准确性.实船条件下对不同破口位置和横倾角的剩余承载能力的计算表明:材料屈服限的变异性对破损舰船剩余承载能力的变异性影响最大,底部破损对其剩余承载能力的折减影响较大,横倾角的改变也将影响破损舰船的剩余承载能力. A method was given to calculate residual bearing capacity of damaged warship using Smith method. Some uncertainty factors such as mechanical characteristics, thickness of steel plate and break size of the damaged ship which affect ultimate longitudinal strength were considered. Simulation on Reckling 23 shows the validity of the proposed method. The effects of location of break and heel angle on residual bearing capacity in real ship were analyzed. Calculation results show that variability of field stress has a great effect on residual bearing capability, bilge damaged has more influence on the strength reduction, and the heel angle has some effect on residual strength of damaged warship.
出处 《大连海事大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期10-14,共5页 Journal of Dalian Maritime University
关键词 破损舰船 剩余承载能力 Smith法 Rosenbluthe法 damaged warship residual bearing capacity Smith method Rosenbluthe method
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