Kumakawa apartment is Located in a suburb, 40 km away from central Tokyo. Different elements like detached houses, apartments, car parks and fields are scattered around the site, it takes on mixed and conflicting aspects. Large buildings are not found because of the tow potential of the area. Each building is designed in its own way; there is no common architectural code. The road facing the southern side of the site is designated as Tokyo city planning road of 22m wide, the works for widening of it are now proceeded. BuiLdings along the road are demolished as needed, some of them become vacant grounds and car parks, and in some place new buildings, which are designed in its way or are not designed at all are started constructing with setback. It is expected that traffic will be increasing more and more in the future, but nobody knows how this town is going to be. Such phenomena are expanded for kilometers, for many years. However this kind of intangible sight is sort of typical Japanese suburban sight.
World Architecture