主要阐述了以主MCU(ARM9 S3C2410)与从MCU(ARM7 ADuC7022)为核心设计的一款基于嵌入式LINUX的多通道三相/单相交流IP电参数测量仪。文中详细介绍了它的结构和原理。该测量仪不仅扩大了测量范围,而且在低成本、满足精度要求的前提下实现了多通道测量、以太网访问测量仪、网页监测、历史数据自动保存和下载等功能。
This paper introduces a multi-channel instrument for monitoring electrical param- eters in single-phase and three-phase AC based on Master MCU (ARM9 $3C2410) and Slave MCU (ARM7 ADuC7022). It not only expands the scope of measurement, but also realizes multi-channel measurement, through Ethernet visiting Power-Meter, web monitoring, historical data downloading and automatic saving data under the requirement of low-cost and meeting the accuracy. The paper presents the details of the systems structure and theory.
Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation