嵌入式系统自其问世以来就一直受到广泛关注,嵌入式系统核心已由最初软件编程主宰的MPU发展到今天的FPGA时代。也使得嵌入式系统技术进入了软核时代,其中Nios便是最具代表之作。基于NiosⅡ的汽车智能导航防盗系统使用Altera 32-bit软核,移植μC/OSⅡ嵌入式实时操作系统,通过GSM网络使用户和汽车随时保持联系,来完成智能化防盗导航功能。文中将完成基于系统的硬件部分设计,他将为整个基于NiosⅡ的汽车智能防盗导航系统的运行提供平台。
Embedded systems have been paid much attention to. The core of embedded system has already been transformed to the era of FPGAs from the MPU which is governed by software programming, and therefore, the technique of embedded system enters into the age of soft core. The Nios, a soft core processor, is a typical example. The intelligent system for automobile guard and navigation based on Nios Ⅱ , which uses the Ahera 32 bit processor and port the μC/OS Ⅱ embedded RTOS, accomplishes the function of guard and navigation intelligently, by making the user keep touch with their automobile through GSM at any time. This paper presents the hardware design which provides the platform on which the intelligent system for automobile guard and navigation based on Nios Ⅱ runs.
Electronic Science and Technology