
植物纤维原料及纸浆中的木素―碳水化合物复合体 被引量:8

Study on Lignin-Carbohydrate Complex in Pulp and Paper Industry
摘要 造纸工业中所用的木质纤维原料主要是由纤维素、半纤维素和木素组成的。纤维聚合物之间存在相互作用。研究证明,在木材和纸浆中,部分木素和碳水化合物发生化学键联接形成木素―碳水化合物复合体结构。文章着重介绍了复合物中三种重要化学键的键型;结合前人的研究成果,综述了云杉木、杨木、麦草以及各种针叶木浆和阔叶木浆中的木素―碳水化合物复合体(LCC);此外,对LCC的形成机理和蒸煮过程中形成新LCC的可能性加以阐述。 The majority of lignocellulosic materials for use in paper making such as wood and straw are mainly constructed from three fiber polymeric components: cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The interaction of polymers with each other has been proved. Covalent linkages between part of lignin and carbohydrates have been proposed to exist in wood and in chemical pulp and formed lignin-carbohydrate complex (LCC) structure. The types of three major covalent linkages in compound have been introduced mainly in the paper. LCCs from spruce, aspen, wheat straw, various softwood pulp and hardwood pulp have been summarized, In addition, Model compound experiments have supported the possibility that LCC of the ether and ester type is formed in plant and during the pulping process.
出处 《纤维素科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 2008年第1期58-64,70,共8页 Journal of Cellulose Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30371136)
关键词 残留木素 木素-碳水化合物复合体 硫酸盐浆 residual lignin lignin-carbohydrate complex kraft pulping
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