
真空度对真空带式连续干燥香蕉粉的影响 被引量:4

The Effects of Vacuum on Vacuum Belt Drying Banana Powder
摘要 以广东省农业机械研究所研制的真空带式连续干燥设备为平台,以香蕉浆为原料,研究不同真空度下的干燥规律及产品的理化性质。结果表明:不同真空度下干燥曲线的变化趋势一致,物料水分含量随着干燥时间的延长较均匀地下降;高真空度有助于水分迁移,使终产品的含水量低;干燥速率曲线分升率、恒率和降率阶段;真空度越高,物料表面温度曲线越陡峭;几个产品的颜色均较好,但其VC含量不同。 Banana puree was dehydrated by using the vacuum belt continuous drier which was made by Institute of Agricultural Mechanization Guangdong, with the purpose to investigate the drying law and physical-chemical property of product at different degree of vacuum. Results showed that at different degree of vacuum, the trends of drying curves were similar and the moisture content of samples decreases evenly during drying; high vacuum was benefit for moisture transfer and low moisture content of product; drying rate curves had rising, constant and falling rate periods; the larger slope of sample surface temperature curves can be seen when the degree of vacuum was higher; moreover, all products had a good color but different content of vitamin C.
出处 《中国食品学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2008年第1期103-107,共5页 Journal of Chinese Institute Of Food Science and Technology
基金 国家级星火计划项目(2005EA780014) 广东省科技计划项目(2005B20601007 2006B20401005 2007B020811001)
关键词 真空度 带式 连续 干燥规律 香蕉 Vacuum Belt Continuous Drying law Banana
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