
FP-Growth关联规则挖掘的改进算法 被引量:2

An improved FP-Growth algorithm of association rules
摘要 文章通过对FP-Growth算法分析,提出的改进算法能有效地减少需遍历的树的节点数,从而降低了时间开销。实验表明:改进算法能明显地提高挖掘效率。 Through analyzing the FP- Growth algorithm, the author proposed an improved algorithm, whieh can decrease the number of traversal tree node, to reduce the cost of time. The experiment results showed that the improved algorithm can improve mining efficiency cleady.
作者 张星 李蓓
出处 《平顶山工学院学报》 2008年第1期21-24,共4页 Journal of Pingdingshan Institute of Technology
关键词 关联规则 FP—Growth算法 FP—Tree 数据挖掘 associstion rules frequent pattern growth algorithm FP- Tree data mining
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