Since the early 1990s, China's National Hi-tech Industry Development Areas (NHIDAs) have developed rapidly. With the promotion of NHIDAs, hi-tech industry has made great contribution to the economic development of China. Although the developmental level of 53 NHIDAs arc quite different, generally speaking, NHIDAs have accomplished the initial accumulation, which was based on the drive of scale, policies and foreign capitals. Unfortunately, the traditional model of China's NHIDAs is not helpful to realize the essential goals.
In the 21st century, NHIDAs must enter a new stage of innovation. There arc so many important problems which need to be solved. First, the initiative ability of hi-tech enterprises is universally poor. Lots of hi-tech enterprises act as the deputies of foreign enterprises. The development of NHIDAs relies heavily on foreign enterprises. In the structure of production value, income and export, there are very little key technologies and independent trademarks belonging to us. As a result, most of profits don't leave in China. Second, the industry structure and stature is not reasonable, the industry competitive ability of NHIDAs is inferior. In many NHIDAs, there are too many low-grade industries, trade and machining sectors hold the important status. Third, the spatial efficiency of our NHIDAs is rather lower, which falls behind that of developed countries by many times. Fourth, the regional relationship of NHIDAs is not reasonable enough. Improving the international status in the system of division of labour, enjoying more interests, possessing more initiative rights, and providing good quality service for the economic and social development of China are the major objects of NHIDAs. Now, the innovation of NHIDA is a comprehensive task, which includes idea innovation, technology innovation, administration innovation and institution innovation. In order to realize the goal, different stakeholders among the same NHIDA, such as government, enterprises, scientific research institutes, intermediary and other service organizations, different NHIDAs and the regions where NHIDAs located in should cooperate closely. Series of policies should bc improved. First, the industrial structure should be reformed. The situation of high concentration on electronics and IT industry should be changed. Second, the developmental orientation should bc reformed. Cooperation between different NHIDAs should be reinforced. Third, the mode of attracting foreign investment should be changed. The technology overflow is very important. Fourth, the working mode should be reformed. Spatial expanding should be replaced by building producing relations. In addition, encouraging independent innovation and enhancing culture intercommunion arc also important.
Human Geography
national hi-tech industry development areas
innovation system
innovation strategy