Objective: To investigate the application value of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in chronic alcoholism encephalopathy(CAE), and thereby to provide obiective evidences for the early diag- nosis of CAE. Methods. Fifteen cases of CAE patients (11 males and 4 females, aged from 33 to 63 years old) and 18 healthy volunteers were performed conventional brain MRI and DTI. The ffactional anisotropy (FA) values were measured by DTI in the white matter of fontal lobe, centrum semiovale, genu of corpus callosum, splenium of corpus callosum and cerebral ganglion with five regions of interest (ROD and compared with those of the healthy volunteers. The relationship between the clinical indexes and FA were analyzed in CAE patients to identify the main factor effecting on FA. Results: FA values of CAE group's in the genu corpus callosum, splenium of corpus callosum, centrum semiovale and white matter of ffontal lobe were lower than those of the healthy control group. FA values in the male CAE patients were lower than those of the fe- male patients and there was no significantly correlation ship between the decrease of FA values and the patient's age. However, the decrease of FA values was closely related to the history of drinking and alcohol consumption in one day. Conclusion. DTI might play a key role in the early detection of the damage degree of the major conducting access. The primary research implied that DTI might provide more accurate informations for locating diagnosis of alcoholism encephalopathy, monitoring the course of disease and assessing the therapeutic effect and the prognosis.
Medical Journal of Wuhan University
Alcoholism Encephalopathy
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Diffusion TensorImaging
Corpus Callosum