
农村家庭成员口腔保健知识和观念情况典型调查 被引量:5

Typical survey on oral health knowledge and concepts in Chinese rural residents
摘要 目的了解我国农村家庭成员口腔保健知识和观念情况,探索口腔健康教育,为今后针对农村人群开展口腔健康教育提供信息和依据。方法以WHO口腔健康调查基本方法为标准,采用典型抽样调查方法,以问卷方式进行入户调查,典型调查1个样本村共130户516人。结果85.9%的受访者认为每天清洁牙齿必不可少,46.9%的受访者认为刷牙和使用牙线可预防牙龈炎,83.3%受访者认为牙龈出血不是正常现象,75.6%的受访者同意吃糖与甜食多易患龋齿,72.9%的受访者认为漱口是保持口腔清洁最有效的方法,57.6%的受访者认为每年做一次口腔检查十分必要,83.7%的受访者具有口腔疾病对全身健康有影响的意识,54.1%的受访者不知道牙周病是由菌斑引起,42.1%的受访者认为牙周疾病不会造成牙齿脱落,61.2%的受访者认为人老掉牙是必然的,70.9%的受访者不知道窝沟封闭可预防青少年恒牙龋。同时发现在一些口腔保健知识方面,学生组口腔保健知识的知晓率与非学生组相比是有显著性差异的(P<0.05)。结论农村家庭成员口腔保健知识和观念匮乏是普遍现象,说明农村口腔保健知识宣传教育的任务十分艰巨,提出加强口腔保健知识宣传教育工作的方法和建议。 Objective The aim of this study was to survey the oral health knowledge and concepts of Chinese rural residents, explore measures of oral health education and provide information for promoting oral health education. Methods Data of 130 rural households and 516 residents were collected from 1 sampling village, and household oral health interview survey was performed. The sampling village was located in the western part of China, the rural residents there were of low or middle economy level. The information was analyzed with Foxpro 60 and SPSS 11.5. Results 85.9% of the re-spondents considered that it was essential to clean teeth everyday,46.9% thought that using brush and floss everyday could prevent gingivitis satisfactorily,83.3% considered that gingival bleeding was abnormal,75.6% agreed that diet with more sugar and dessert might cause more dental caries,72.9% thought that rinsing mouth regularly could be one of the most ef- fective methods to keep oral clean,57.6% believed that taking oral examination once a year was necessary,84.9% knew that oral diseases had much to do with general health,54.1% could not accept that plaque might result in periodontal disease,42.1% did not consider that periodontal disease could cause teeth loss,61.2% thought that teeth of old people should fall off inevitably, and 70.9% did not know that pit and fissure sealant could prevent youths' teeth caries. It was also found that in some aspects the awareness of oral health in student group was different from that of non-student group significantly (P〈0.05). Conclusion Insufficiency of oral health knowledge is quite common in Chinese rural residents. There is still a long way to go to realize the promotion of the task of health education. Some suggestions are provided for improving oral health education.
出处 《公共卫生与预防医学》 2008年第1期38-41,共4页 Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine
关键词 口腔保健 知识观念 农村家庭成员 宣传教育 典型调查 Oral health care Knowledge and concepts Chinese rural residents Publicity and education Typical survey
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