Objective: To compare the effects of high pressure steam sterilization and peracetic acid fumigating sterilization for disinfection of bipolar coagulation forceps. Methods: Totally 20 pieces of same - type and new Weili brand of bipolar coagulation forceps with paperplastics package were sterilized with ethylene oxide by factory were taken. And these bipolar coagulation forceps were sterilized with high pressure steam sterilization and peracetic acid fumigating sterilization respectively after operation. Then the sterilization effects of both methods were compared with each other. Results: The germcarrying amount of bipolar coagulation forceps sterilized with high pressure steam sterilization after operation decreased from 390 cfu/cm^2 before using to zero growth of germ. And the bacteria clearance was 100%. The effects of peracetic acid fumigating sterilization were different based on different closing- opening times of sterilization fluids. Newly- opened peracetic acid fluid used fumigating sterilization made the germ- carrying amount of bipolar coagulation forceps descend from 410 cfu/cm^2 to zero growth. And the bacteria clearance was 100%. However, peracetic acid fluid placing for 12 days after opening used for fumigating sterilization made the germ- carrying amount of bipolar coagulation forceps s descend from 380 cfu/cm^2 before operation usage to 25 cfu/cm^2 after operation. And the bacteria clearance was 93.2 %. Moreover, the corrosion rate of bipolar eoagulation forceps after peracetic acid fumigating sterilization was 33.3 %. Conclusion: High pressure steam sterilization for bipolar coagulation forceps has advantages including reliable effect, economic, safe, simple and no corrosion. Peracetic acid fumigating sterilization solution with poor stability and sterilizing effect was un- reliable sometimes and causticity was powerful, therefore, which was unsuitable as sterilization for bipolar coagulation forceps. The effect of high pressure steam sterilization is superior to peracetic acid fumigating sterilization.
bipolar coagulation forceps
effect comparison