To recognize the variation of Flicker Electroretinogram (ERG) and Visual Evoked Potentials (VEP)which can further separate the founction of cone cell in normal individuals. Methods 10Hz flicker VEP and 30Hs flicker ERG of 51 normal individuals were recorded, and the amplitude and phase of the waves were analysed by ixscrete Fourier Transform (DFT).Results The flicker electrophysiological testing should be recorded in three age groups:under 20 years, 20~ 40 years and over 40 years. In the analysis of 10Hz flicker VEP, the amplitude of foundmental and second response component were used for the amplitude analysis and the second response wave was applied for phase analysis fin the analysis of 30 Hz flicker ERG, the foundamental wave was used for both amplitude and phase analysis. The other amplitude and phaseis no value. Conclusion The only parts of all amplitude and phase of 30HZ flick-er ERG and 10Hz flicker VEP has of value in different age group for normals individuals.
Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology
Flicker Light Electroretinogram Visual evoked potential Discrete fourier transform