
自由间接引语的多维研究 被引量:2

A Multi-Perspective Study of Free Indirect Speech
摘要 作为小说话语中一种颇具特色的表现模式,自由间接引语自19世纪末被语言学家们发现以来,一直受到人们极大的关注。针对这一话语形式的含混和复杂性,批评家们从语言学、小说文体学、经典和后经典叙述学以及文化研究等方面对它进行了研究。这使得人们在更好地认识和把握这一话语模式的同时,也极大地开阔了研究视野。针对上述几个方面对这一话语模式所进行的各种研究进行简要评述,进而指出它们在当今语言文学和文化研究中的意义。 As a characteristic speech mode in narrative fiction, Free Indirect Speech has been one of the major concerns of critics since it was discovered by grammarians at the end of the 19th century. Critics have taken great interest in it and various studies have been launched from the perspectives of linguistics, literary stylistics, narrative theory as well as culture study, which has not only resulted in better understanding of this speech mode, but also broadened the scope of the research field. The present paper aims at commenting on the studies respectively from the mentioned areas and then pointing out the significance of the study.
作者 柳晓
出处 《中南林业科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第1期123-126,共4页 Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology(Social Sciences)
关键词 自由间接引语 小说话语形式 文体分析 叙事声音 文化研究 free indirect speech fictional speech model stylistic analysis narrative voice culture study
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