
快速检测O9抗原沙门菌免疫金标层析法的建立及其应用研究 被引量:2

Gold immunochromatographic assay to detect Salmonellae bearing O9 antigen
摘要 目的:建立一种快速检测O9抗原沙门菌的新方法。方法:利用针对沙门菌O9抗原的两株特异性单克隆抗体,建立一种双抗体夹心检测O9抗原沙门菌的胶体金免疫层析试纸条(GICA)。结果:该试纸条对标准肠炎沙门菌LPS的最小检出量为0.15 ng/条,对肠炎沙门菌菌液的最小检出量为2×105cfu/条。蛋品、鸡肉、猪肉的人工污染试验显示,经增菌后免疫层析试纸条可检出1 cfu的肠炎沙门菌,在大肠杆菌与沙门菌比例为1000:1仍不干扰试纸条的检测。共对市场采集的鸡蛋、鸡肉以及猪肉样品577份进行免疫层析试纸的检测,试纸条与经典细菌分离鉴定法相比:敏感度为90.0%,特异性为98.6%。结论:检测O9抗原沙门菌的GICA法快速、特异、灵敏,在重要沙门菌病检测方面有着潜在、广阔的应用前景。 Objective:To develop a quick method for detecting Salmonellae bearing O9 antigen.Methods:A gold immunochromatographic assay(GICA) to detect Salmonellae O9 antigen has been developed by using two different monoclonal antibodies that bound distinct epitopes of Salmonellae O9 antigen.Results:The detection limit for this strip was 0.15 ng Salmonella enteritidis LPS and 2×105 cfu for the strain.The strip could detect 1cfu Salmonella enteritidis after enrichment and E.coli didn′t interfere with the detection even at a ratio of 1000:1 with Salmonella enteritidis.GICA detected 577 samples,Salmonellae O9 antigen was detected by GICA which was in accordance with the classical bacterial separation method,with a sensitivity of 90.0% and a specificity of 98.6%.Conclusion:The GICA is simple,rapid and accurate and can be used in human clinics.
出处 《中国卫生检验杂志》 CAS 2008年第1期42-44,共3页 Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
关键词 O9抗原沙门菌 胶体金免疫层析法 Salmonella O9 antigen Gold immunochromatographic assay(GICA)
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