In analog audio equalizer, the filters are constructed by op-amplifiers and discrete components. Being influenced by its discrete capabilities, audio equalizer has many disadvantages. Meanwhile, pure digital audio equalizer has got better performance and stability, but its cost and price are too high. So digital audio equalizer only has its application in upscale domain. A new design method for audio equalizer is proposed, which attempts to design and realize a high precision and high SNR (signal noise ratio) digital audio equalizer system based on field programmable analog array (FPAA) and micro-controller unit. This design confirms that design speed and performance will be greatly enhanced when FPAA technology is applied to analog design domain.
In analog audio equalizer, the filters are constructed by op-amplifiers and discrete components. Being influenced by its discrete capabilities, audio equalizer has many disadvantages. Meanwhile, pure digital audio equalizer has got better performance and stability, but its cost and price are too high. So digital audio equalizer only has its application in upscale domain. A new design method for audio equalizer is proposed, which attempts to design and realize a high precision and high SNR ( signal noise ratio) digital audio equalizer system based on field programmable analog array (FPAA) and micro-controller unit. This design confirms that design speed and performance will be greatly enhanced when FPAA technology is applied to analog design domain.
Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument
the Guangxi Natural Science Fund(0640173)