

The present situation of stomatolngical diseases among the citizens both in the urban and the rural area in Ningbo and the tactful precautions to be taken
摘要 The diagnostic standard adopted in this investigation is based on the Second National Stomatological Health Epidemiology Investigation Program. From May to October in 1995, the investigation was carried out among 4 430 people from 5 to 74, in 6 age-group,in both the city and countryside, the result of which is:(1) The total dental caries rate is 75%, average dental calles 3.2, the rate in the rural area is higher than in the city. higher for female than for male. The dental filling rate is 6. 85%. (2) The gingivitis rate is 92. 53%,dental calculus rate 76. 49 %. The peridentitis rates for the mid-aged and the aged are 18. 06% and 23. 14%respectively. (3) The wedge shaped ditch rates for the mid-aged and the aged are 46. 25 % and 52. 08%,higher in the city than in the countryside, higher for male than for female. (4)The dental absence rates for the mid-aged and the aged are 35. 1% and 93. 9%,higher in the countryside than in the city. 62. 34% of the people with dental absence are installed with different types of denture, but 64. 26% of these people need to have their missing teeth installed. In different types of denture, about 13. 68 % of them are non-standard repairing. (5) The percentage of the people who brush their teeth everyday has reached 90. 63 %, but only 28.35% of the people do in a proper way.And 28.79 % of the people use hygiene toothbrush,and 5. 80% of the people use the fluoride toothpaste.22% of the people know how to deal with the cases of dental caries and gingival hemorrhage, and 10. 8% of the people are of the common sense about the oral health. The investigation has come to the conclusion that quite many people in this area suffer from stomatological diseases, but only a few go to the dentist for treatment.The people are less conscious of the importance of oral health. The present situation has a long way to go to meet the requirement of the national oral health program in the year of 2000, which was drawn up by Ministry of Public Healthy. bo the following are to be suggested:(1) The governments and medical institutions at different levels should lay emphasis on the precaution and treatment of dental diseases, and formulate feasibel plans and measures. (2)To enhance the propaganda work of oral health among the people, and raise their awareness of oral health. (3) To improve the professional personnel of oral care and promote the professional quality of the dentists. (4) To prevent the dental caries by fluoridation and filling the pits and ditches of the teeth, thus to lower the dental caries rate. The diagnostic standard adopted in this investigation is based on the Second National Stomatological Health Epidemiology Investigation Program. From May to October in 1995, the investigation was carried out among 4 430 people from 5 to 74, in 6 age-group,in both the city and countryside, the result of which is:(1) The total dental caries rate is 75%, average dental calles 3.2, the rate in the rural area is higher than in the city. higher for female than for male. The dental filling rate is 6. 85%. (2) The gingivitis rate is 92. 53%,dental calculus rate 76. 49 %. The peridentitis rates for the mid-aged and the aged are 18. 06% and 23. 14%respectively. (3) The wedge shaped ditch rates for the mid-aged and the aged are 46. 25 % and 52. 08%,higher in the city than in the countryside, higher for male than for female. (4)The dental absence rates for the mid-aged and the aged are 35. 1% and 93. 9%,higher in the countryside than in the city. 62. 34% of the people with dental absence are installed with different types of denture, but 64. 26% of these people need to have their missing teeth installed. In different types of denture, about 13. 68 % of them are non-standard repairing. (5) The percentage of the people who brush their teeth everyday has reached 90. 63 %, but only 28.35% of the people do in a proper way.And 28.79 % of the people use hygiene toothbrush,and 5. 80% of the people use the fluoride toothpaste.22% of the people know how to deal with the cases of dental caries and gingival hemorrhage, and 10. 8% of the people are of the common sense about the oral health. The investigation has come to the conclusion that quite many people in this area suffer from stomatological diseases, but only a few go to the dentist for treatment.The people are less conscious of the importance of oral health. The present situation has a long way to go to meet the requirement of the national oral health program in the year of 2000, which was drawn up by Ministry of Public Healthy. bo the following are to be suggested:(1) The governments and medical institutions at different levels should lay emphasis on the precaution and treatment of dental diseases, and formulate feasibel plans and measures. (2)To enhance the propaganda work of oral health among the people, and raise their awareness of oral health. (3) To improve the professional personnel of oral care and promote the professional quality of the dentists. (4) To prevent the dental caries by fluoridation and filling the pits and ditches of the teeth, thus to lower the dental caries rate.
出处 《宁波医学》 1997年第1期1-3,共3页
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