According to glandular structures,cell differentiation and nuclear mitosis of the cancer cells,breast cancer was separated into three grades.Plasmacyte reaction positive is that the number of Plasmacytes in a lymphatic Capillary over five.We separate basement membranes Severance and elastic fiber reaction into three grades too. Total 145 cases of breast cancer were separated into three groups:Grade 1 of breast cancer is 59 cases,Plasmacyte reaction positive 38 cases,(64.4%).Grade 2 is 67 cases,Plasmacyte reaction positive 80 cases,(44.8%).Grade 3 is 19 cases,plasmacyte reaction positive 4 cases,(21.1%).It is suggested that there is a negative correlation between plasmacyte reaction positive rate and grades of breast cancer.Among all grades of breast cancer,the lymph node metastases rate in the cases of plasmacyte reaction negative was grade 1,66.7%;grade 2,68.4%;grade 3,78.5%,three rates are over 49.7%.It is suggested that plasmacyte reaction in capillary lymphatic vessel and lymph node metastases of breast cancer are a strong reaction. In all 145 cases breast cancer fiber reaction(+)was 13 cases,lymph a node metastases cases,23.1%;fiber reaction(++)52 cases,lymph node metastases 28 cases,53.8%;fiber reaction(+++)59 cases,lymph node metastases 41 cases,69.5%.Lymph node metastases rate was directly proportional to grades of fiber reaction.our results show that basement membranes severance and proliferation,degeneration suggested the prognosis of breast cancer.