
乡村道路收益评估分析 被引量:3

An Analysis of Rural Roads Benefits Appraisal
摘要 乡村道路建设对于农村的经济发展、降低贫困等具有重要意义,对于如何评价乡村道路收益一直以来都存在着争议。传统的成本-效益分析方法具体来说有消费者剩余方法、生产者剩余方法等,但是由于这些方法都存在共同的缺陷,即不适合衡量交通流量小的地区乡村道路收益,对乡村道路收益的衡量依然存在低估的问题,引起了诸多学者的批评。本文通过构建新的计量经济学方法,利用对湖北农村家庭的实际调查数据,发现乡村道路建设可以有效地节约农村家庭交通成本、提高男性和女性劳动力的农业工资水平、提高学龄儿童的入学率、降低农业和非农业生产投入产品的价格等,对农村家庭具有重要的即时和长期的正向利益影响。 Rural road is of great significance to rural economic development, poverty reduction. However, how to appraise its benefits has been a controversy. Traditional cost-benefit analysis of rural road has consumer surplus methods, producer surplus methods, and poverty- focused hybrid methods. The above methods have the same defect about measuring rural road benefit. Namely, it cannot measure benefit with the low communication volum, and it has arisen a good deal of criticism. Through new econometric framework, based on Hubei province rural investigation data, the paper points out that rural road can save rural journey cost, improve agriculture wage of adult men and women, prolong boys and girls schooling years, and reduce agriculture and non-agriculture input products' price, etc. It has important and timely positive impact on rural households.
作者 刘成奎
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 2008年第1期57-61,共5页 China Population,Resources and Environment
关键词 乡村道路 收益 评估 rural road benefit appraisal
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