
蝇蕈醇小脑齿状-中位核微注射对豚鼠经典眨眼条件反射建立的影响 被引量:3

Microinjection of Muscimol into cerebellular dentate-interpositus nuclei affects acquisition of classical eyeblink conditioning in guinea pigs
摘要 目的观察小脑齿状-中位核在豚鼠经典眨眼条件反射建立过程中的作用。方法采用500ms正弦波纯音和100ms束状氧气流的配对刺激,训练豚鼠建立经典眨眼条件反射。在条件反射训练的第4~6天,向豚鼠双侧小脑齿状-中位核微注射蝇蕈醇。整个实验过程中,使用高分辨率的张力换能器检测豚鼠的眨眼反应。结果①蝇蕈醇注射组豚鼠训练第4~6天的条件反应率均显著低于第3训练日水平(P1=0.005,P2=0.004,P,=0.010);②蝇蕈醇注射组豚鼠训练第7、8天条件反应率仅分别相当于对照组豚鼠第4、5训练日水平(P1=0.061,P2=0.669);③在此过程中,蝇蕈醇注射组豚鼠非条件眨眼反应的幅度和峰潜伏期均无显著变化(P1=0.926,P2=0.939)。结论小脑齿状.中位核是运动性学习神经回路的重要组成部分,控制着眨眼条件反应的获得和表达。 Objective To investigate the role of cerebellar dentate-interpositus (D-I) nuclei during acquisition of classical eyeblink conditioning in guinea pigs. Methods A 500 ms tone conditioned stimulus (CS) was paired with a 100 ms corneal oxygen-puff unconditioned stimulus (US) in a delay paradigm. Guinea pigs were trained daily to acquire the classically conditioned eyeblink responses. Micorinjections of Muscimol into bilateral cerebellar D-I nuclei were performed during the 4 -6 day of training session. A high-resolution potentiometer was used to detect the eyeblink responses. Results The conditioned response (CR) rates of Muscimolinjected group on session 4 - 6 were significantly lower than their rates on session 3 ( P1 = 0.005, P2 = 0.004, P3 =0. 010) ; Their rates on session 7 and 8 were as the same level as those without microinjection on session 4 and 5 (P1 =0. 061 ,P2 =0.669). However, there was no significant difference on their amplitude and peak latency of unconditioned responses (URs) during the entire course of training ( P1 = 0. 926, P2 = 0. 939 ). Conclusion The cerebellar D-I nucleus is actively involved in the neural circuitry of motor learning, which is essential for both acquisition and performance of the classically conditioned eyeblink responses.
出处 《第三军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期499-502,共4页 Journal of Third Military Medical University
基金 国家自然科学基金(30672255)~~
关键词 小脑 齿状-中位核 眨眼 条件反射 蝇蕈醇 cerebellum dentate-interpositus nuclei eyeblink conditioning Muscimol
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