
服务创新与网络:全球学习与本土学习的模式 被引量:3

Service Innovation and Netwosking:Patterns of Global and Local Learning
摘要 从第三、第四欧共体创新调查(CIS—3、CIS—4)的实证结果,可得出以下结论:在创新过程中,服务企业一般比制造企业有更高的合作倾向,尤其是商业和金融中介服务行业.数据还揭示了这样一个重要趋势:商业服务企业比其他服务企业更倾向于合作.国际创新合作的趋势也表明不同的行业和不同国家中的情况也不一样.本文探索了不同区域的服务创新的相互影响,确定创新过程中全球及本土合作联系的部门性模式.全球互动在一些服务行业的创新过程中发挥着日益重要的作用,这些服务行业在知识的跨国传播中也发挥了作用.这个全球性的学习过程与这些服务活动市场的国际化有关.同时,实证结果表明地区/国家间的合作对多数服务活动实际上是非常重要的. After checking the empirical results from the Third and Fourth Community Innovation Survey (CIS -3 and CIS -4), it is possible to conclude that service enterprises, in general, have a higher propensity to cooperate in the innovation process than do manufacturing enterprises--This is especially true for the business and financial intermediation service sub-sectors. The data also reveal an important trend: Business services are much more inclined to cooperate than other enterprises involved in service activities. This cooperation rate is quite high when compared with corresponding data on other service activities. Trends in international innovation cooperation also show relevant differences across sectors and countries. It explores the diverse geography of the service innovation interplay, identifying sectoral patterns in the global and local cooperation links of the innovation process. Global interactivity plays an increasing role in the innovation process of some service industries and these services also play a role in the diffusion of knowledge across the world. The relevance of this process of global learning is linked to the internationalization of the markets for these service activities. At the same time, the empirical evidence shows the actual importance of regional/national cooperation for most service activities.
出处 《研究与发展管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期1-10,共10页 R&D Management
关键词 全球学习 本土学习 服务创新 创新合作 global learning local leaming service innovation innovation cooperation
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