
多陷门水银承诺方案(英文) 被引量:1

Multi-trapdoor mercurial commitment scheme
摘要 多陷门承诺方案是指一个陷门承诺族,对于整个族有一个主陷门,族中的每一个承诺方案有各自对应的具体陷门.水银承诺方案是通常意义下承诺方案的一种变形,对承诺方案要求的绑定性质有显著的放松.应用上述2个传统承诺方案的变形给出多陷门水银承诺方案的定义,并构造出基于强Diffie-Hellman假设的多陷门水银承诺方案. We introduce a new notion of multi-trapdoor mercurial commitment scheme which is a combination of multi-trapdoor commitment and(trapdoor)mercurial commitment.Multi-trapdoor commitment is a family of trapdoor commitments which admits a master trapdoor for the whole family and a specific trapdoor for every commitment in the family.Mercurial commitment allows for a noticeable relaxation of the strict binding property of conventional commitment.In our paper,we use the two interesting variation of regular commitments to define multi-trapdoor mercurial commitment and construct a multi-trapdoor mercurial commitment scheme based on the Strong Diffie Hellman Assumption.
出处 《中国科学院研究生院学报》 CAS CSCD 2008年第2期272-278,共7页 Journal of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
基金 Supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China(60673073) National 863 Project(2006AA01Z427) Foundation of Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(065001G)
关键词 承诺方案 水银 多陷门 commitment,mercurial,multi-trapdoor
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