A symmetry analysis and a simple dangling bond model are presented for the VZn^- in ZnGeP2, identifying a possible Jahn-Teller distortion mechanism which could naturally explain the localization of the defect wavefunction on two of the nearest-neighbouring P atoms, as deduced for the electron nuclear double resonance experiments.
A symmetry analysis and a simple dangling bond model are presented for the VZn^- in ZnGeP2, identifying a possible Jahn-Teller distortion mechanism which could naturally explain the localization of the defect wavefunction on two of the nearest-neighbouring P atoms, as deduced for the electron nuclear double resonance experiments.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant No 10604040, SRF for ROCS, SEM, the YSRF of Shanxi Grant No 2007021002, the Oversea Science Foundation of Shanxi, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (USA) under Grant No F49620-03-1-0010