Two hexagonal GaN epilayers (samples A and B) with multiple buffer layers and single buffer layer are grown on Si (111) by metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE). From the results of Rutherford backscattering (RBS)/channeling and high resolution x-ray diffraction (HRXRD), we obtain the lattice constant (a and c) of two GaN epilayers (aA = 0.3190 nm, cA = 0.5184 nm and aB = 0.3192 nm, CB = 0.5179 nm), the crystal quality of two GaN epilayers ( ХminA=4.87%, ХminB =7.35% along 〈1-↑213〉 axis) and the tetragonal distortion eT of the two samples along depth (sample A is nearly fully relaxed, sample B is not relaxed enough). Comparing the results with the two samples, it is indicated that sample A with multiple buffer layers have better crystal quality than sample B with a single buffer layer, and it is a good way to grow GaN epilayer on Si (111) substrates using multiple buffer layers to improve crystal quality and to reduce lattice mismatch.
Two hexagonal GaN epilayers (samples A and B) with multiple buffer layers and single buffer layer are grown on Si (111) by metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE). From the results of Rutherford backscattering (RBS)/channeling and high resolution x-ray diffraction (HRXRD), we obtain the lattice constant (a and c) of two GaN epilayers (aA = 0.3190 nm, cA = 0.5184 nm and aB = 0.3192 nm, CB = 0.5179 nm), the crystal quality of two GaN epilayers ( ХminA=4.87%, ХminB =7.35% along 〈1-↑213〉 axis) and the tetragonal distortion eT of the two samples along depth (sample A is nearly fully relaxed, sample B is not relaxed enough). Comparing the results with the two samples, it is indicated that sample A with multiple buffer layers have better crystal quality than sample B with a single buffer layer, and it is a good way to grow GaN epilayer on Si (111) substrates using multiple buffer layers to improve crystal quality and to reduce lattice mismatch.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos 10375004 and 10575007, and the Bilateral China-Belgium Cooperation under Grant No BIL04/05. The authors thank Dr K. Cheng for providing the GaN samples.