
不同脱敏方法对牙体预备后活髓牙的影响 被引量:1

Influence of Different Desensitization upon Vital Pulpal after Tooth Preparation
摘要 目的在口腔修复临床中,固定义齿修复的牙体预备时,为防止患者牙本质过敏反应,甚至引起牙髓炎,通过采用不同的脱敏方法进行对比,寻找既简便,又不需特殊设备,且效果良好的脱敏方法,以保护牙体预备后的活髓,缓冲因修复给患者造成的痛苦。方法将78例患者132颗活髓基牙随机分为A、B、C三组,经牙体预备后,对每颗基牙常规隔湿、消毒,干燥牙面。三组分别用75%氟化钠甘油涂擦加Nd:YAG激光照射、极固宁TM和Gluma脱敏剂对活髓基牙进行脱敏。最后用氧化锌水门汀粘固暂时冠,1周后,修复体完成,再用聚羧酸锌水门汀永久粘固。结果1周后有效率:A组97.37%;B组95.65%;C组100%。3个月后有效率:A组81.58%;B组82.61%;C组93.75%。C组与A、B两组相比,1周后无显著性差异(P>0.05);3个月后有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论Nd:YAG激光与氟化钠甘油联合应用脱敏和极固宁TM脱敏没有Gluma脱敏剂疗效好。且Nd:YAG激光联合氟化钠甘油使用时需要激光治疗机辅助;极固宁TM脱敏剂需两种液体交替使用,操作繁琐。而Gluma脱敏剂材料组份单一,使用方便,作用迅速,见效快,疗效持久,效果最好。 Objective In the oral cavity restoration clinic, the tooth organization axe often grund too much in the process of the restoration of fixed partial denture, making the dentinal tubule exposed to the outside, all the outside stimulator will cause the vital tooth to become hyperirritability. To prevent the dentine hypersensitiveness reaction occur, find an effective way to solve this problem, to ease the patients'pain in this process are of great importance. Methods Total 78 patients, 132 vital pulpals, divide them into 3 groups, Group A, Group B, Group C, applying 75% natrium fluoridized paste + laser irradiation of Nd:YGA, Green OrTM and Gluma densensitizer three different ways to desensitize. Results Compare Group C with the other two groups, P 〉 0. 05 after 1 week (A 97.37%, B 95.65%, C 100%, there is no obvious difference; P 〈 0. 05 after three months (A 81.58%, B 82. 61% ,C 93.75% ), we find great difference. Conclusion The ways of applying 75% natrium fluoridized paste + laser irradiation of Nd : YGA and Green OrTM have not the healing effect as good as Gluma densensitizer. Gluma densensitizer can take effect quickly, taking a long effect, it can also be put into operation and can be popularized easily.
作者 郑淑珍
机构地区 南阳市口腔医院
出处 《医药论坛杂志》 2008年第5期31-32,共2页 Journal of Medical Forum
关键词 脱敏 牙髓炎 口腔修复 Desensitization Dentinal tubule inflammation Oral restoration
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