
大功率半导体激光器模块散热结构的数值优化 被引量:1

Numericial Optimization of Heat Dissipation of High Power Diode Laser Module
摘要 考虑大功率半导体激光bar外延结构中GaAs衬底热阻导致p、n面散热的非对称性,利用商用有限元软件Ansys对目前常用的DPSSL侧泵浦源亚封装子模块的散热性能进行了分析和结构优化,并根据优化结构实际制备出3 bar激光线阵泵浦源,其连续输出功率超过120 W,中心波长为807.7 nm,光谱宽度(FWHM)为2.8 nm。该数值分析结果对根据实际需要设计、封装出不同结构尺寸的大功率半导体激光泵浦源模块具有现实的指导意义。 A two-dimensional analysis procedure for the thermal performance of high power diode laser array module has been developed with considering the difference of thermal resistance between p side and n side of the package and applied to optimize the module design. The thermal resistance of the module is also investigated by changing the size of the heat spreader. A 3 bar laser diode arrays pump source whose output power is over CW 120 W and the central wavelength is 807. 7 nm with a FWHM of 2. 8 nm by following the results of optimization ensures the numerical procedure.
出处 《半导体光电》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期49-51,共3页 Semiconductor Optoelectronics
关键词 大功率半导体激光器 泵浦源 温度分布 结构优化 high power diode laser pump source thermal resistance structure optimize
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