
γ-TiAl合金全片层组织室温变形协调行为 被引量:1

Compatibility of deformation in fully lamellar microstructure of γ -TiAl alloy at ambient temperature
摘要 研究Ti-47.5Al-2Cr-2Nb-0.2B全片层组织室温变形结构中γ/γ片层间变形协调行为。引入多晶体塑性变形的几何协调因子m,并利用矩阵分析方法计算120°旋转有序型、真孪晶型和伪孪晶型γ/γ界面两侧片层中各种滑移系之间的m值,与实验结果比较发现,通过计算m值可以预测不同类型γ/γ界面两侧片层中的有效滑移系,120°旋转有序型γ/γ界面几何协调性最好,1/6<1 12]{111}形变孪晶可以通过1/2<1 10]{111}普通位错协调变形;对于真孪晶型界面,1/6<1 12]{111}形变孪晶可以扩展通过,并仍以1/6<1 12]{111}孪晶变形进行协调。 The compatibility of deformation in fully lamellar microstructure of Ti-47.5Al-2Cr-2Nb-0.2B alloy at room temperature was studied. A geometric compatibility factor m was calculated by matrix operation to compare the compatibility between two slip systems in two neighboring γ, lamellae with 120°-rotational, true-twin and pseudo-twin relationships. The experimental results show that the effective slip systems between two neighboring γ, lamellae can be predicted by calculation of the m values. Among the three type γ/γ, interfaces, the compatibility between 120°-rotational ordered interface is the best, the deformation of 1/6(112] {111} twinning in one γ, lamella can transfer into another γ, lamella by 1/2(110] {111} ordinary dislocation slip. For true-twin interface, 1/6(112] {111} twin can propagate into a neighboring γ, lamella through 1/6 (112] {111} twinning.
出处 《中国有色金属学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期203-208,共6页 The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals
关键词 TIAL合金 片层组织 变形协调 孪晶 位错 晶体位向 TiAl alloy fully lamellar microstructure deformation compatibility twin dislocation crystal orientation
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