
一种广义模糊补运算和相应的广义模糊熵 被引量:9

Generalized Fuzzy Complement and Corresponding Generalized Fuzzy Entropy
摘要 介绍广义模糊补的公理化定义,给出一种构造广义模糊补的方法,运用此方法构造出一种性质良好的广义模糊补;在此基础上提出一种广义模糊熵,这种广义模糊熵的最大值点可以在(0,1)开区间内自由移动。给出一类广义模糊熵的计算公式,便于实际应用。 In this paper,the axioms that the generalized fuzzy complement must satisfy is introduced firstly. Next, a method to construct the generalized fuzzy complement is given and a sort of generalized fuzzy complement which has nicer property is constructed. Then, a sort of generalized fuzzy entropy is presented and the maximum point of this kind of generalized fuzzy entropy can move in the open interval (0, 1) freely. Finally, A class of formulas of computing the generalized fuzzy entropy are given for application conveniently.
出处 《模糊系统与数学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期96-102,共7页 Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60572133)
关键词 广义模糊补 m-模糊补 广义模糊熵 m-模糊熵 Generalized Fuzzy Complement m-fuzzy Complement Generalized Fuzzy Entropy m-fuzzy Entropy
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