
齿轮传动的线外啮合与冲击摩擦 被引量:44

Corner Contact and Impact Friction of Gear Drive
摘要 通过齿轮传动线外啮合机理分析,提出沿啮合作用线方向构建'系统等效误差-轮齿综合变形'计算模型的方法。按统计规律将齿轮主要误差项沿啮合线一次合成为系统等效误差;根据啮合原理和'轮齿综合变形-载荷历程'曲线,反推出线外啮入冲击点的轮齿变形。将系统误差与轮齿变形沿啮合线二次合成,推导出线外啮入冲击点几何位置判据。获得啮入点的几何位置和冲击力这一关键数据,并求解出线外啮合段各点的几何位置和冲击力。进而建立线外啮入冲击摩擦模型,推导出各接触点的冲击摩擦力与摩擦因数。与相关研究比较,以上模型和计算方法及其分析结果比较可靠。上述研究对于深入探索齿面摩擦性态和齿轮传动减振降噪等具有一定的理论价值。 Based on the mechanism analysis of comer contact, the method for the system model of gear error--deformation calculation is established on the line of action. According to the distributive law of key transmission errors, the effective system error is obtained along the line. The synthetic tooth compliance of the point lying in comer contact is inver sed based on the theory of engagement and the curve of tooth synthetic compliance & load-history. Combined the effective error for gear system with complex deflection of engaging teeth, the standard of the point situated at comer contact is probed. The key data of the position and impact force from the beginning point of comer contact obtained, and the impact velocity and forces, from the beginning to the end position situated at comer contact, are calculated accurately. Due to the key data, the lash model during comer contact is founded, and the impact friction force and coefficient of engaging points are calculated. Compared with the relative studies, the above model, calc ulating method and analytical conclusions are reliable. The results could be referenced to study frictional performance of tooth profile and damp and denoise.
出处 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期75-81,共7页 Journal of Mechanical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(50475139) 湖南省自然科学基金(06JJ50100)项目资助。
关键词 齿轮传动 线外啮合 冲击摩擦 系统误差 综合变形 Gear drive Comer contact Impact friction System error Synthetic compliance
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