[Purpose] To investigate several hot spots issues of laparoscopic surgery for rectal cancer. [Methods] Sixty-five cases with rectal cancer who underwent laparoscopic total mesoreeal excision (TME) surgery were analyzed retrospectively. [ Results ] Among the 65 cases undergoing laparoseopie TME surgery, 58.5%(38/65) was Dixon procedure, 30.8% (20/65) was Miles procedure, and 10.8% (7/65) was Parks procedure. The mean time of operation was 175min (range 130-300min), and average operative bleeding was 120ml. No perioperation death and postoperative complications such as anastomotie leakage occurred. Recovery of intestinal function was 1-4d. [Conclusions ] The laparoscopic TME procedure for rectal cancer is safe and feasibility. The necessity of cutting off inferior mesenteric artery at a higher level, preservation of pelvic autonomic nerve, and protective ileostomy should be chosen accordingly.
Journal of Chinese Oncology