
从市场进路化解P2P文件共享网络(软件)的侵权纷争--基于数字音乐和美国版权法 被引量:1

Maintaining P2P File-Sharing Networks(Software):the Market Approach——within the Context of Digital Music and the American Copyright Law
摘要 数字音乐市场自身所具备的抗侵权能力能够为该市场的持续发展提供一定程度的自足动力,因此,只要维持一定程度的版权保护,则一个竞争性的数字音乐市场就仍然会保证音乐的生产和流通,于是兼具公共价值与侵权能力的P2P文件共享网络(软件)仍然可以得到"安全港"原则的保护。 This paper, after careful consideration of the prosperous development of the digital music market and its strong self-sustaining capability against even large-scale infringing activities which are enabled by P2P file-sharing networks, concludes that even with limited copyright law enforcement, a competitive digital music market can and will ensure the continuing creation and distribution of music products, while P2P file-sharing networks(software), as a neutral technological application, can still stay in the "safe harbor" established in the case of Sony v. Universal.
作者 金冠军 尤杰
出处 《上海大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期135-140,共6页 Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 上海市高校人文社会科学重点基地项目(SJ0702)
关键词 P2P文件共享网络(软件) “安全港”原则 数字音乐 市场自抗衡能力 P2P file-sharing networks (software) "safe harbor" digital music self-sustaining capability of market
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