Objective To explore prevention of the nurse from sharp wound's countermeasure, and to enhance cominunity healthy nurse's prevention for hospital infect and occupation protect's level. Methods Adopts to our courtyard 9 a community healthy altogether 77 nurse's questionnaire survey, to it take place sharp wound "s relevance situation by statistics proceed dispose and analysis. Results Cover 72 inquisitional nurses had 55 peoples experienced sharp wound with incidence of 76.4%, altogether totally had 223 times damages, averages everyone showed sharp wound 3.1 time, and sharp wound's sharp hoster if pinhead and glass. Among them at injection, pulls needle, opens safe, disposes junk wait for tache easily take placeo Among them 71.3% for pinhead stabs; 22.9% for glass kind wounds. Operates behind neaten use thing especial at dispose use "s sharp time stab rate 19.7%. Conclusion Should strength community healthy nurse's occupational safety education, administrative or technical offices have right sharp wound dispose principle and operation directive, makes nurse at face sharp wound occupation danger time, can active right adopt protective equipment, accomplishes sharp wound behind can right disposal, thus already effective prevents also can right dispose sharp hurt. Greatly enhance community healthy use "s prevent hospital infect and occupation protect level.
Practical Clinical Medicine
hospital community healthy service center
occupation protects
sharp wounds