
记忆原理在词汇教学中的应用 被引量:6

On the Theory of Memory and its Application on Vocabulary Teaching and Learning
摘要 英语词汇记忆机制包括对语言材料的识记、保持、认知和重现四个重要环节,为保证每个环节的贯通,在词汇教学中,教师首先要指导学生优化输入,从不同语境中习得词汇并掌握一定的记忆策略。其次,引入语段教学的概念,扩大记忆的广度。最后,根据记忆编码中的贴近原则,要引导学生找出词汇内部的联系,提高记忆的效果。 The memory of English vocabulary contains four procedures as memorization, retention, cognition and reappearance. In order to guarantee the implementation of each procedure, language teachers are advised firstly to instruct the learners to learn the vocabulary from different contexts and acquire some strategies of memory; the multi-word prefabricated chunks approach should be introduced to broaden the memory span; lastly according to the association by contiguity in encoding, teachers should encourage students to find out the inner connection among the words so as to improve the efficiency of their motivation.
作者 郑娟
出处 《安徽农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第1期115-117,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural University:SOC.SCI.
关键词 记忆 词汇学习 词汇教学 memory vocabulary teaching vocabulary learning
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