目的:研制一种具有中医汽雾透皮熏蒸功能和脊柱牵引功能的双桶热熏微型计算机控制脊柱牵引床,该产品可使患者在治疗过程中同时完成中医汽雾透皮熏蒸和脊柱牵引双重功效。方法:利用现代汽雾透皮原理,将中药有效成分直接作用于患者的治疗部位透皮吸收,并在人体脊柱牵引力的实时闭环控制过程中采用PID增量式算法和人工智能中的模糊控制理论,通过实验和实践,制定出该产品符合实际治疗需要的温度和牵引力控制等的标准,使产品的治疗总有效率达到96%,并未出现一例副作用的合并症。结果:温度控制设定范围在35°C~55°C,其控温误差、温度显示误差、温度的均匀性和波动性等4项指标均小于2°C;牵引力控制设定范围在98.067~784.532 N(10~80 kgf),它的"动"、"静"态和整机测试指标均小于19.613 N(2 kgf),整机性能可满足临床实际需要。结论:该产品从中医推拿等治疗脊柱疾病的保守治疗技术发展考虑,运用中医汽雾透皮熏蒸原理新技术,采用PID增量式算法和人工智能中的模糊控制理论来实现"机电一体化实时闭环控制"。实践证明,该产品不仅适用于中医推拿的临床需要,也适合于创伤科、骨科、理疗科、康复科等科室的使用。
Objective To develop a spine traction bed controlled by microcomputer, which can be used to treat patient with its function of TCM (traditional Chinese medicine)hazing diadermic fumigation and spine traction. Methods Modern hazing diadermic principle was utilized to make the effective component absorbed through skin on treating location. At the same time, PID incremental calculation and fuzzy control theory were used in the process of control ling spine traction through real-time closed loop. Through experiment and practice, this product met the standards and had a total effective rate of 96% without any side effects, Results The setting scope of temperature was 35℃-55℃ with deviations of temperature controlling, displaying, uniformity and fluctuation less than 2℃. The setting scope of traction controlling was 10-80 kg with testing index less than 2kg both at "dynamic" and "static" status. The whole machine met the pragmatic needs in clinic. Conclusion This product adopts new technology of TCM hazing diadermic fumigation, PID incremental calculation and fuzzy control theory to obtain the goal of "real-time closed control through mechanical and electrical integration". This product can be applied not only in clinic for the need of TCM Tuina, but also in departments of traumatology, orthopedics, physiotherapy and rehabilitation
Chinese Medical Equipment Journal
tuina of TCM
spine traction
hot smoking barrel
traction bed