
美国陪审团废止权的历史演变--民主与现代化的矛盾 被引量:9

An Inquiry into the Historical Evolution of Jury Nullification in the United States:The Contradiction between Democracy and Modernization
摘要 本文探讨的是美国陪审团废止权的历史演变。文章首先追溯废止权的英国起源和它在英属北美殖民地及美国建国初期的发展,然后阐述废止权在19世纪的逐渐式微和它在当代进退维谷的境地。文章认为,废止权是陪审团作为人民的直接代表能否真正参与司法的关键所在,是司法民主的重要体现,但是随着政治民主化、司法专业化和社会多元化带来的挑战,陪审团废止权弱化了,这在一定程度上是适应现代化的结果。不过,废止权在制约政府权力、纠正不当立法、反映民众心声和保证公正判决等方面所起的作用,仍然是现代美国社会的需要。如何处理好民主与现代化的关系,使民主不会因为现代化而牺牲,是美国人民长期以来所要面对的一个重要问题。 Trial by jury and representative government are usually seen as twin pillars of democracy in the United States.The right of jury nullification is the key to ensuring that the common people may play a role in the judicial process to prevent injustice.In the early years of the Republic and the Antebellum era,jury nullification was accepted in most cases even though it began to be challenged more and more by judges as a result of the modernization of the American society.The U.S.Supreme Court finally denied this right in 1895.Jury nullification,however,is still exercised de facto by juries in both federal and state courts.Apparently,this tradition has survived the challenges from the process of modernization and will continue to endure.Thus we see in recent years the repeated appeal for reaffirming the right of jury nullification in the United States.How to keep the judicial system as a democratic institution is still an issue for Americans to think through in the 21st century.
作者 韩铁
出处 《美国研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期7-25,共19页 The Chinese Journal of American Studies
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  • 1J. Kendall Few, Trial by Jury (Greenville, South Carolina: American Jury Trial Foundation, 1993), Vol. 1, p. 169.
  • 2Alan Scheflin and Jon Van Dyke, “Jury Nullification: The Contours of a Controversy,” Lazvand Contemporary Problems, Vol. 43, 1980, pp. 54, 56.
  • 3John Hostettler, The Criminal Jury Old and New: Jury Power from Early Times to the Present Day (Winchester: Waterside Press, 2004), p. 23.
  • 4Thomas Andrew Green, Verdict According to Conscience: Perspectives on the English Criminal Jury Trial, 1200- 1800 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985), p. 34.
  • 5Bushell's Case, 6 Howell's 1015-1016 (1670).
  • 6Simon Stern, Note: Between Local Knowledge and National Politics: Debating Rationales for Jury Nullification after Bushell's Case, Yale Law Journal, Vol. 111, 2002, pp. 1815-1816.
  • 7Albert W. Alscheuler and Andrew G. Deiss, "A Brief History of the Criminal Jury in the United States," University of Chicago Law Review, Vol. 61, 1994, p. 903.
  • 8Mark DeWolfe Howe, "Juries as Judges of Criminal Law," Harvard Law Review, Vol, 52, 1939, pp. 583-584.
  • 9Stanton D. Krauss, "An Inquiry into the Right of Criminal Juries to Determine the Law in Colonial America," The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, Vol. 89,1999. pp. 111-211.
  • 10James Alexander, A Brief Narrative of the Case and Trial of John Peter Zenger. Printer of The New York Weekly Journal, Edited by Stanley Nider Katz (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1963), pp. 78,93.











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