
论海德格尔空间问题之疑难及其解决 被引量:1

On the Difficulties and Solution of Heidegger's Issue of Space
摘要 在《存在与时间》中,海德格尔利用现象学和解释学的方法,消解了流俗的空间观念,首次提出了生存论、存在论的空间观念。在他看来,"在世界之中存在"这一源始的生存论结构是此在之空间性的可能条件,对此在之空间性具有源始的建构作用,此在通过去远和定向的生存活动而获得了自己的空间位置。此在的空间性源出于此在的时间性,时间性被看作是本真操心的意义并为空间性奠基。海德格尔通过时间性来解说空间性在其思想架构中有其逻辑必然性,但是也面临着严重的理论困境。在《存在与时间》之后,海德格尔逐渐从侧重于对此在日常生存论层面的空间性研究过渡到了对空间存在本身的研究,这种过渡使得空间与时间在作为领会存在意义的视域这一层面上"对等"了起来,海德格尔甚至直接将这种视域称之为"时间—空间"。在《艺术作品的起源》《物之追问》《筑·居·思》《艺术与空间》等后期作品中,海德格尔通过对位置和物这两个概念的析解,揭示了空间存在本身的意义,最终指出人与空间的关系就是从根本上得到思考的栖居。 In his Being and Time, Heidegger liquidated the conventional explanations on space by hermeneutic and phenomenological methodology, and put forward the existential and ontological idea of space for the first time. In his view, the spatiality of the Dasein can be elucidated essentially only through the original and existential structure of In-der-Weh-sein and the existential activities : Ent-fernung and Ausrichtung. The space of Dasein originates from the temporality of Dasein. Temporality was considered as the sense of authentic care and the foundation of spatiality. As if it is necessary that Heidegger understands spatiality with the concept of temporality in his theoretical frame, but finally he slumped into the theoretical morass. Afterwards, the relationship between temporality and spatiality was equalized expressly. In Time and Being, Heidegger directly called the horizon, in which the sense of being was understood, with the name "time-space". In Der Ursprung der Kunstwerkes, Die Frage nach dem Ding, Bauen Wohnen Denken, Kunst und Raum etc. , Heidegger put his focus on the two important terms : Ort and thing ; in analysis of these two words, the authentic sense of space was uncovered explicitly, he indicates that the original relationship between human being and space is dwelling.
作者 张浩军
出处 《华侨大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2008年第1期13-20,共8页 Journal of Huaqiao University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)
关键词 此在 空间 空间性 时间 时间性 位置 栖居 Dasein space spatiality time temporality Ort thing dwelling
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