
普适计算中动态和语义的安全策略管理 被引量:1

Dynamic and Semantic Security Policy Management for Ubiquitous Computing
摘要 普适计算环境是信息空间与物理空间的融合,存在着既要实现信息高度共享和协作,又要保证安全隐私之间的矛盾。该文提出普适计算环境中动态的、语义的安全策略管理机制。引入统一的本体知识库,根据上下文的变化,通过本体服务动态调整策略服务和事件服务,实现策略的动态执行。描述该机制的策略管理框架、策略动态执行和策略规范。通过普适计算的典型应用场景,分析和说明如何应用该机制。 In order to solve the contradiction between information sharing, cooperation and security privacy in the ubiquitous computing environment, a dynamic and semantic security policy management mechanism for ubiquitous computing is presented. The mechanism imports unified ontologies knowledge base. Ontologies service varies with the context information and adjusts policy service to act on the managed targets. The policy management framework, dynamic policy implementation and policy specification are described. A typical example of the ubiquitous computing scenario is given to show how to apply the mechanism.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期143-144,147,共3页 Computer Engineering
基金 教育部科学技术研究基金资助重点项目(104086)
关键词 普适计算 策略管理 上下文 本体知识库 ubiquitous computing policy management context ontologies knowledge base
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