
人白细胞介素-33蛋白的二级结构及B细胞抗原表位预测 被引量:1

Prediction of Secondary Structures and B Cell Epitopes of Human Interleukin-33
摘要 目的:预测人白细胞介素(IL)-33的二级结构和B细胞抗原表位。方法:以单参数(亲水性、可及性、柔韧性及抗原性)预测为基础,通过二级结构预测初步筛选,并以ABCpred方案作为最终验证,预测人IL-33蛋白的二级结构和B细胞表位。结果:人IL-33蛋白的N端1—19、59-75、108~117和204~210区段为预测的B细胞表位。结论:该预测结果将有助于确定人IL-33的B细胞表位及其生物学活性部位。 Objective: To predict the secondary structures and B cell epitopes of human interleukin(IL)-33. Methods: The location of B cell epitopes was predicted by screening the secondary structure of IL-33. Analysis was on the basis of the prediction results of hydrophilicity, accessibility, flexibility, antigenicity followed by a verification using ABCpred program. Results: The predicted B cell epitopes were found to locate at the protein sequence of amino acids 1-19, 59- 75, 108-117 and 204-210 for IL-33. Conclusion: These findings would be helpful for estimate of the epitopes and activity sites localized within human IL-33.
出处 《汕头大学医学院学报》 2008年第1期1-3,共3页 Journal of Shantou University Medical College
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30671932 30770840)
关键词 白介素-33 二级结构 B细胞表位 预测 interleukin-33 secondary structure B cell epitope prediction
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