Lotus Domino一直是办公自动化(OA)应用的先驱软件,它是基于文档型数据库的群件系统。文档管理一直是管理的核心。系统本身虽然有强大的管理控制能力,但用户需求和环境千差万别,系统给用户带来方便的同时也暴露出一些逻辑漏洞,如何做到在不同的环境下对各种文档进行管理和控制是开发人员必须考虑的问题。
Lotus Domino is a pioneering office automatic software which is basing on group system of file data base. File management is the key factor of management. System has strong controlling ability on management, but due to users' varied necessities and different environment, it also has some logical missing when it give us great convenience. So technology developer should consider how to realize the management and control all kinds of files in different environment.
Journal of Pingxiang College