
InP基PIN+HBT光电集成器件的设计与研制 被引量:2

Design and fabrication of InP based PIN+HBT for OEIC
摘要 对用于光电集成电路(OEIC)的InP基异质结双极性晶体管(HBT)及PIN探测器进行了设计与研制,讨论了堆叠层结构和共享层结构2种常见的集成方式,通过实验比较,确定了共享层结构器件性能更好,并对此结构进行了改进。所研制的HBT截止频率达到30 GHz,直流增益达到100;PIN的3 dB带宽达到了15 GHz。详细介绍了器件结构及工艺流程。 We design and fabricate the InP based (heterojunction bipolar transistor(HBT) and PIN photodetector used for optoelectronic integrated circuit(OEIC). The stacked layer structure and the share layer structure are discussed. From the results of the experiments,we find that the share layer structure has better performance. An optimized HBT+PIN layer is made which has better characteristics,the transit frequency of HBT is 30 GHz and the current gain is 100. The 3 dB band-width of PIN photodetector is 15 GHz.
出处 《光电子.激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期285-288,共4页 Journal of Optoelectronics·Laser
基金 国家“973”计划资助项目(2003CB314900) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60576018) 教育部“新世纪人才”支持计划资助项目(NCET-05-0111)
关键词 光电集成电路(OEIC) 异质结双极性晶体管(HBT) PIN optoelectronic inegrated circuit(OEIC) heterojunction bipolar transistor(HBT) PIN
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