
重盐碱土草坪地被植物引种栽培研究——以阿拉善右旗额肯呼都格镇为例 被引量:6

Introduction and cultivation of lawn cover plants planted in heavy alkali-salinity soilin Ekenhudouge town of Inner Mongolia
摘要 对硫酸盐型盐土掺拌细沙、增施腐熟羊粪土壤改良,引种草本马蔺Iris lactea、紫花苜蓿Medicago sa-tiva、高羊茅Festuca elata的适应性对比研究发现:引种地60 cm土层内均匀掺拌细沙(原土∶细沙=2∶1)处理土壤的含盐量、pH值等指标均显著低于对照土壤(P<0.05),而有机质显著高于对照土壤(P<0.05),补施腐熟羊粪土壤(0.01 m3/m2)与对照间无显著差异(P>0.05);引种植物在掺拌细沙处理土壤的表现显著(P<0.05)优于补施腐熟羊粪和对照2种土壤的表现,而补施腐熟羊粪与对照间无显著差异(P>0.05),这就充分说明土壤拌沙是一种行之有效而且效果显著的土壤改良方法。参试种子田间适应性综合分析表明,由强到弱的顺序为:马蔺>紫花苜蓿>高羊茅,且马蔺、紫花苜蓿的平均越冬率显著高于高羊茅平均越冬率(P<0.05),马蔺与紫花苜蓿平均越冬率间差异不显著(P>0.05)。 Trials were conducted in Ekenhuduge town of Alashan You county of Inner Mongolia, Fine sand and thoroughly decomposed sheep manure were applied on the sulphuric-salinity soil to improve the soil. herbaceous plants, such as Iris ensata, Medicago sativa, and Festuca elata etc. were planted. Research on the comparison of their adaptability reveals: within the 60 cm deep soil layer, salt content and pH value of the soil which is mixed with fine sand (the ratio between original soil and fine sand is 2 : 1) are obviously lower than that of the non-treatment soil (P〈0.05), while the organic matter is higher; there is no obvious difference between the soil treated with thoroughly decomposed sheep manure (0.01 m^3/m^2) and the non-treatment (P〉0.05) soil. The performance of introduced plants grown in the soil mixed with fine sands (P〈0.05) are much better than that in the soil applied with thoroughly decomposed sheep manure and non-treatment soil; there's no obvious difference in plants' performance between the soil treated with thoroughly decomposed sheep manure and nontreatment soil (P〉0.05). So it can be concluded that applying fine sand in the soil is an effective measure to improve soil, and its effect is significant. Salt stress can weak the germination potential, germination rate and vitality of the seeds in the trial. The comprehensive analysis of the adaptability of seeds in the trial indicated that the adaptability of seeds, from strong to weak, are I. ensata 〉 M. sativa 〉 F. elata. The average survival ratio over winter of Iris ensata and M. sativa are obviously higher than that of F. elata (P〈0.05) ; there is no significant difference in the average survival ratio over winter between I. ensata and M. sativa (P〉0.05).
作者 王祺 姚泽
出处 《草业科学》 CAS CSCD 2008年第3期102-107,共6页 Pratacultural Science
关键词 额肯呼都格镇 重盐碱土 拌沙 腐熟羊粪 草坪地被 引种栽培 Ekenhudouge town heavy alkali-salinity soil mixture with sand decay sheep excrement lawn cover plant introduction and cultivation
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