Objective: Use 2 types of PCR methods to check the IgH gene rearangement and BCL -2IgH fused gene in B - NHL, and monitoring the chages of B - NHL MBD. Methods: Use the methods above to check the genome of B - NHL, Non - NHL tumor and normal people 30 cases for each. Results : B - NHL group had 96. 6% monoceonal IgH rearangement, after chemical therapy 2 cases had 2 clonal IgH rearangements, another 2 cases had 3 clonal IgH rearangements. B - NHL group had 38.3% BCL - 2 IgH (MBR) fused gene, Non -NHL tumor group had 10. 0% fused gene, and normal people had 6. 6% fused gene. Conclution: The combination of 2 type of PCR methods to check the IgH gene rearangement and BCL - 2/IgH fused gene can rise the positive rate of B - NHL diagnosis.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity