
国际原子能机构产生的背景及其基本功能与局限 被引量:2

IAEA:Historical Background,Basic Functions and Limitations
摘要 1946年,由美英提议并在得到苏联有条件的同意后成立了联合国原子能委员会,负责考虑核管制与核裁军等问题。但当时美国维护核垄断地位与苏联极力打破这一核垄断之间的尖锐矛盾,致使联合国原子能委员会的工作无果而终,该委员会于1951年为联合国裁军委员会所取代。1953年,艾森豪威尔在联合国大会上提出了"和平利用原子能"的口号,并号召建立国际性原子能机构,负责促进和管制核能的利用。此时,由于美国的核垄断已被打破,斯大林逝世等原因,苏联开始执行缓和东西方关系的政策,因而使国际原子能机构的成立成为可能。虽然国际原子能机构的功能和作用在不断扩大,但由于其自身固有的缺陷,该机构在很大程度上仍受限于大国意志。 In 1946, proposed by the U.S. and the U. K. , and approved conditionally by the USSR, the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission was established to deal with issues of nuclear control and disarmament. But at that time, the acute conflicts between the U. S. , which tried to maintain its nuclear monopoly, and the USSR, which strove for breaking up the monopoly, led to a fruitless end to the work of the commission. It was thus replaced by the United Nations Disarmament Commission in 1951. In 1953, Eisenhower addressed the UN General Assembly, putting forward the slogan of "atoms for peace", calling for the establishment of an international atomic energy agency in charge of promoting and controlling the use of nuclear energy. By this time, the end of the U. S. nuclear monopoly and the death of Stalin had prompted the USSR to pursue a policy of easing tense relations between the West and the East, making it possible to establish the International Atomic Energy Agency. Although its functions and operations have kept expanding, the IAEA is still, to a large extent, subject to the manipulation of great powers because of its inherent defects.
作者 岳汉景
出处 《解放军外国语学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期124-128,共5页 Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地基金项目(06JJDGJW009)
关键词 国际原子能机构 美国 苏联 原子能 核武器 IAEA U. S. USSR nuclear energy nuclear weapons
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  • 1升平.联合国大事记[N].人民日报,2005-09-16(7).
  • 2Bechhoefer, B. G. Postwar Negotiations for Arms Control [ M]. Washington, DC- The Brookings Institution, 1961.
  • 3Beckman, R. L. Nuclear Nonproliferation, Congress and the Control of Peaceful Nuclear Activities [ M ]. Boulder: Westview Press, 1985.
  • 4Fischer, David. History of the International Atomic Energy Agency: the First Forty Years [ M ]. Vienna: The Agency, 1997.
  • 5Stimson, H. L. & M. Bundy. On Active Service in Peace and War [M]. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1947.
  • 6D. Holloway, The Soviet Union and the Arms Race, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983, 第24页.
  • 7The 1997 IAEA Additional Protocol at a Glance, http: //www. armscontrol.org/factsheets/ IAEA Protocol. aspo.
  • 8Strengthened Safeguards System : States with Additional Protocols , http ://www. iaea. org/OurWork/SV/ Safeguards/sgprotocol. html.












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