本研究采用国际标准PPD及国际标准结素试验技术,特别是结素试验操作人员和阅读结素反应人员均经过国际标准结素试验技术培训及考核合格的情况下,对100名五年级学生进行PPD结素试验,两名结素反应阅读者及记录者采取双盲法分别测量和记录每一个学生结素反应的平均直径和最大横径,然后,仍然采用双盲法进行第二次测量。运用计算机流行病学统计分析软件Epi Info 6反复比较分析最大横径测量法与平均直径测量法所测得的结素反应结果。研究结果表明:两名结素反应阅读者的个人技术具有稳定性,两人之间的阅读技术达到一致性,最大横径测量法与平均直径测量法测得的结果具有一致性和可比性。同时提示,培训在结素试验中起到至关重要的作用。
The PPD tuberculin test with 2TU PPD RT23+Tween80 Was conducted for 100 pupils of fifth class by two persons who had attended a training course on standard WHO and IUATLD tuberculin testing and were qualified for international standardized tuberculin testing. The two persons read the test, measuring and recording the largest transverse diameter and average diameter respectively with double blind for two times. The results of the largest transverse diameter and average diameter were compared and analyzed with Epi Info 6. The results showed that the results measured with largest transverse diameter and average diameter are consistent and comparable, and indicated that training is a crucial part of tuberculin test.
Chinese Journal of Antituberculosis