
走向善治的地方政府治理能力构成要素分析 被引量:4

The Analysis on the Demanded Ability and its Components of A Local Government which is Approaching to Good Governance
摘要 随着我国全面建设小康社会和市场经济发展的不断深入,传统的地方政府管理模式越来越不能满足社会对政府公共物品和服务的需求,地方政府的管理模式需要进行变革和创新。提高地方政府的管理素质和管理能力,形成有利于满足社会公共需求的地方政府治理结构,从传统的管理走向现代的善治,更好地为区域社会的全面发展服务,已经成为今天地方政府治理模式变革的发展路径。 As China is comprehensively building up fairly well - off society and the market economy is uninterruptedly going deep into development, the traditional models of the local government managements become more and more unsatisfying the social demands on public goods and service supplied by the local governments. The traditional models should be reformed and innovated, in order to improve the intrinsic qualifications and abilities of the local governments. It is beneficially for the local governments to building up governance structure for satisfying social public demands. Changing from traditional managements to modern governance, providing better serving for the comprehensive developments of the regional society, has become the developing way to reform governance models of the local governments.
作者 彭景阳
出处 《江苏广播电视大学学报》 2008年第1期88-90,共3页 Journal of Jiangsu Radio & Television University
基金 江苏电大哲学社会科学研究项目"地方政府在沿江区域经济发展中的作用研究"
关键词 地方政府 政府治理 治理能力 治理结构 善治 local government governance structure constitute factor good governance
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