
颈交感干离断对局灶性脑缺血大鼠血浆中降钙素基因相关肽的影响 被引量:5

Effect of transection of cervical sympathetic trunk on calcitonin gene-related peptide of plasma in rats with focal cerebral ischemia
摘要 目的:探讨颈交感干离断(TCST)对局灶性脑缺血大鼠血浆中降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)的影响,为应用星状神经节阻滞治疗脑缺血提供实验依据。方法:采用改良的Zea Longa方法制备大鼠大脑中动脉栓塞(MCAO)模型。雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为3组:假手术组(S组);大脑中动脉栓塞模型组(M组)和颈交感干离断组(T组,在造成MCAO模型的同时行TCST),后两组动物均按栓塞时间又分为4个亚组:6h、24h、48h及72h。计算并比较S组、M组及T组在上述各时间点血浆中CGRP含量的区别。结果:M组各时间点CGRP含量较S组显著降低(P<0.05),T组CGRP含量较M组在各时间点均显著增加(P<0.05)。结论:TCST能够有效地提高局灶性脑缺血大鼠的血浆中CGRP的含量,并可能对局灶性脑缺血有治疗作用。 Objective:To study the effects of transection of cervical sympathetic trunk (TCST) on calcitonin generelated peptide (CGRP)of plasma in rats with focal cerebral ischemia,to supply the informations of experiment for stellate ganglion block (SGB) to treat the brain ischemia.nethod:The middle cerebral artery (MCA)was occluded with thread according to modified Zea-Longa's method. Male Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups: sham operated group (S group),middle cerebral artery occlusion model group (M group),transection of cervical sympathetic trunk group (T group,rats underwent TCST while MCAO),M group and T group were respectively divided into four groups according to occlusion time:6h,24h,48h and 72h, then to compute and compare the difference of calcitonin gene-related peptide of plasma among S group,M group and T group on above time. Result: CGRP of T group were higher than that of M group on the 6th, 24th, 48th and 72nd h(P〈0.05), CGRP of M group were lower than that of S group of CGRP on the 6th, 24th. 48th and 72nd h (P〈0.05).Conclusion: The transection of cervical sympathetic trunk could increase calcitonin gene-related peptide of plasma of rats with middle cerebral artery occlusion, it could have therapeutic effect for focal cerebral ischemia.
出处 《中国康复医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期216-218,共3页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
关键词 大脑中动脉栓塞 星状神经节阻滞 颈交感干离断 降钙素基因相关肽 middle cerebral artery occlusion stellate ganglion block transection of cervical sympathetic trunk calcitonin gene-related peptide
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