
新疆于田县流水墓地26号墓出土人骨的古病理学和人类学初步研究 被引量:10

A Preliminary Paleo-Pathological and Anthropological Study of the Human Skeletons from Tomb 26 in the Liushui Cemetery within Yutian County,Xinjiang
摘要 前言 古病理学作为一个新的研究领域,主要是对考古发掘出土的人骨进行自然科学范畴的医学检查,因此这一科学领域涉及到医学、人类学和考古学。古病理学研究的对象通常为出土的古代人骨,也有很少量的干尸,甚至还有在沼泽中保存的尸体。因为考古发掘出土的人骨保存了关于古人既往生活条件的许多可靠信息, The Institute of Archaeology, CASS, and the Institute of Eurasia, German Academy of Archaeology, carried out a joint paleoanthropological and paleo-pathological study of the human skeletons from Tomb 26 in the Liushui Cemetery within Yutian County, Xinjiang. The tomb yielded six almost intact human skeletons, which were observed with the naked eye and the microscope to investigate their age, sex and height and were carefully examined to inquire into their pathological changes. The preliminary results are highly valuable to researching into the living conditions of the ancient people concerned with the Liushui cemetery, such as their diet, dwelling, labor, geographical and climatic circumstances, hygienic conditions and health protection.
出处 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期86-91,共6页 Archaeology
基金 中国社会科学院考古研究所和德国考古研究院欧亚研究所合作进行的"中国西北地区古代聚落研究项目"的组成部分,其主要负责人是巫新华和王睦(M.wagner)
关键词 新疆 流水墓地 人骨 古人类学 古病理学 Xiniiang Liushui cemetery human skeletons paleoanthropology paleopathology
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