he subgroup of Drosophila nasuta consists of 14 species, subspecies and taxa. Ithas a wide distribution in area of Indo-Pacific Ocean. The courtship song of speciesin nasuta subgroup is recorded for the first time in the paper. Some parameters oftemporal pattern of pulse song were measured: the inter burst interval (IB), theinterpulse interval(IPI), the length of a pulse train (PTL), the number of pulses in atrain (PN), the length of a pulse (PL) and the length of a cycle (CL). Computeranalysis techniques were used to make spectral analysis of sine song. Athree-dimentional power spectra of the sound was made . Ind this subgroup, the male ofD.pulauna and Taxon-F didn't produce any sound signals during courtship, suggestingthat the visual stimuli play an important role in mating process. By analysing the courtship sound signales of other species, subspecies and taxa, the sounds produced by couning male could be described as pulse song or as sine song. By studying the sounds of intra-or interspecific F1 hybrids we have found that the parameters of the temporal pattern of pulse song, for example, the mean value of IPI is controlled by X-linked and autosomal polygene and the sine song frequency is predisposed to the materniry.The phylogenetic tree of the subgroup is constructed based on the temporal pattern of the pulse sounds in different species, subspecies and taxa.The relationship within the memhers of the Drosophla nasuta subgroup is discussed.